Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Day At Mentorship

I spent my whole afternoon observing different speech pathologist sessions. I saw children with all types of disorders ranging from feeding disorders to Autistic children who have trouble with their attention span. A specific patient that broke my heart was child that was afraid of food because of past experiences choking that keeps him traumatized. It made me really sad to see him and see that the patient was unable to sit on his own or even eat. I know there is always going to be people that are worse off than yourself but this experience made me open my eyes and realize that the problems that arise in my life is nothing compared to what the child is going through. When I saw the patient, I thought I was going to burst into tears and I don't know if it is just because I am sensitive but it was a moment. I saw how Ellie tried to get the patient to play with food to show that it was not going to hurt him and that it was good for his nutrition. Seeing this session made me realize the importance of a speech pathologist in a child's life when they cannot perform basic needs.