Thursday, January 30, 2014

Successful Month!!!

Woot woot!! We are done with January, and to be honest it flew by quick and I have had my moments. Mentorship has been incredible over the month, and guess what? I finished my independent component a week before it is do. I feel very accomplished because I spent my winter break in Mexico and was terribly afraid about not being able to finish my thirty hours but I managed to do it. Looking back I did a lot for my senior project this month and I know it is going to help me with the future of my senior project. I have been preparing for my thirty minute presentation on my answer, that by the way I am terrified for :O!! But this month I also started working on my second independent component and I started taking an introductory class on special education that has been really interesting so far. I have gone to two classes because it is only on Mondays and it was a holiday last Monday. I have learned the importance of having a person first language and have really gotten a deep understanding on what lives of children can be like when they have disabilities. We watched a documentary named "Including Samuel" that really portrayed the life of the child with the disability and how it affected everyone around him. The documentary really struck out to me, it got a few tears out but made me realize the importance of this subject in our lives.

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